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UO3 Spa Ozonator

Spa Ozonators

UO3 Specifications

  • Power Input: 100V - 240V
    Internal Universal Power Supply
  • Enclosure: ABS Plastic/PA-765A
  • Dimensions: 4.75" (L) 4" (W) 1.75" (H)
  • Weight: 1.24 lbs
  • Air Inlet: Filtered Ambient Air
  • Outlet 1/4" Stainless Steel Barb Fitting
  • Ozone Output: 50mg/hr
  • Available in: Amp, In-Link, J&J, HS J&J, Flag, Pig-Tail and NEMA Plug Configurations
UO3 Ozone Generator
  • Ozone (O3) is simply activated oxygen (O2), produced in nature by sunlight and electronically in your spa.
  • Ozone is far more powerful that chlorine without any of the unpleasant side effects.
  • Ozone does not affect the pH balance of water, thus minimizing pH adjustments.
  • Ozone costs less than $1 a month to run and greatly reduces your chlorine needs.
  • Ozone KILLS bacteria, viruses and mold and it destroys biofilms.
  • Ozone KILLS harmful, Chlorine tolerant parasites, cryptosporidium, and giardia.
  • Ozone helps reduce total dissolved solids in water so that the water does not have to be changed as often.
  • UO3 ozonators operate automatically so there is nothing for you to measure or add to the spa water.
  • Reduces damage to pillows and covers due to chemical usage.
  • Ozone works great with mineral ions or salt water - two layers of protection.


What is Ozone?

Ozone (O3, Trioxygen) is simply activated oxygen. It's produced by sunlight and lightning. It has a very short life. As it breaks down to regular oxygen (oxidizes) it kills harmful bacteria and viruses instantly. The only by-product of ozone is oxygen.

Is using ozone to sanitize a new idea?

Ozone has been used for over 100 years to purify drinking water. The facts that it is stronger than chemicals and has no possibility of contaminating water, makes it widely used for food sanitization and water purification. Ozone has been used on millions of spas for over 30 years for the same reasons.

How does Ozone sanitize?

Ozone is an unstable gas consisting of 3 oxygen atoms (O3). The gas will readily degrade back to oxygen (O2), leaving a single oxygen atom, or free radical, that is highly reactive to bacteria, viruses, spores, parasites, organics, chemicals and dissolved solids. These harmful substances are destroyed and eliminated from the spa water through filtration.

Is Ozone safe to use in a residential spa?

Yes. Ozone is approved by the EPA as a microbial and approved by the FDA as a microbial to bottled water. It is used in many food processing plants.

Why haven't I heard of ozone sanitizers before?

The ozone generator is a silent friend. It works automatically every time your spa pump is on. It is silent, uses a small amount of electricity, requires no maintenance and lasts for up to 5 years without replacement. It only costs pennies a month to operate. Over the last 20 years more that half of the spas manufactured have an ozonator. And nearly all of them have a slot to add one on the main control even if it did not come with one when you purchased your spa. You may have heard the catchy saying "Set it and forget it"? That is how you use an ozone generator.

If I use an ozonator, does that mean I never have to use any chemicals?

No, not quite. You do need to keep a small amount of chlorine or minerals in your water, since ozone turns to oxygen in a few minutes. Since ozone is a thousand times more powerful that chlorine, it handles the bulk of the sanitizing and a little chlorine or minerals will do the rest. You do need to keep your water balanced. Ozone has no effect on pH whatsoever. And guess what? Ozone kills nasty parasites that are resistant to chlorine!

What if I use Nature2 or other mineral ionizers?

Using ozone with a mineral ionizer is an ideal condition. It provides two layers of protection. In normal spa use, combining an ozonator with minerals can allow you to use almost no chlorine at all. Simply shock the water regularly and keep the pH and alkalinity balanced.

Why is the UO3 the best ozonator for my spa?

Aqua Sun only uses Corona Discharge (CD) technology to generate ozone. Other brands use a UV bulb, which is low output and only last around a year and then they must be replaced. Aqua Sun ozonators are built tougher. They cannot be damaged by water or heat and they last up to 5 years. They all carry a 2 year manufacturer's warranty.

The single most important thing to get right when purchasing an ozonator is to get an ozonator with the exact same plug as your existing plug. Match your plug to one of the plugs shown below, and that's the one that you want.

Installation Instructions   |   Ozonator Troubleshooting   |   Accessories
Ozonator with Mini J&J Plug
Ozonator with 240V In Link Plug
Ozonator with Amp Plug
Ozonator with Flag Terminals
Ozonator with Pig Tail

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