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Ozonator with Pig Tail

$129.95 (Regular Price: $149.44)

Availability: In Stock


Do you remember how clean and clear your spa water was when you first purchased it? Make it that way again by replacing your worn out ozonator with a universal CMP Ozonator that works for both 120 and 240 Volt systems.

This kit comes complete with a universal CMP ozonator, 6 feet of tubing (1/4 inch inside diameter), a check valve and installation instructions.

This ozonator has pig tails (no plug) to connect to your spa (see picture). Please make sure that this plug matches the plug on your existing ozonator - if not, it`s not compatible with your spa.

Ozonator with Pig Tail

Our Price: $129.95 (Regular Price: $149.44)

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