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Ozonator with 240V In Link Plug

$139.95 (Regular Price: $160.94)

Availability: In Stock


Do you remember how clean and clear your spa water was when you first purchased it? Make it that way again by replacing your worn out ozonator with a universal CMP Ozonator that works for both 120 and 240 Volt systems.

This kit comes complete with a universal CMP ozonator, 6 feet of tubing (1/4 inch inside diameter), a check valve and installation instructions.

This ozonator has a molded in 240V In Link plug to connect to your spa (see picture). Please make sure that this plug matches the plug on your existing ozonator - if not, it`s not compatible with your spa.

Ozonator with 240V In Link Plug

Our Price: $139.95 (Regular Price: $160.94)

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