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Find the Right Filter for your Master Spa (or Down East Spa)

As a prominent filter retailer since 2002, we have encountered varying filter questions regarding many different spa and pool manufacturers, but the one question that we hear time and time again is...

     "What the heck do I put in my Master Spa?!"

Yes, from dual-filter systems, and Eco-Pur™ to flat pre-filters and one-piece replacements, finding the right filter for your Master Spa is likely to be the source of much confusion and frustration.

The information below should help to alleviate that confusion.

Single vs. Dual Filters

The first step in finding the right filter for you is to determine whether your spa uses single or dual filters. Single filters are one-piece filters (i.e. you put the filter in and take it out in one piece). Dual filters have a small filter that is completely surrounded by a larger "O-shaped" filter.

  • If your system calls for single filters, you can just enter the dimensions into our Filter Finder, which will take you directly to the comparable filters on our site.

  • You can also search our Master Spa Filter Listing or our Down East Filter Listing, which will take you a complete listing of Master Spas or Down East Spas filters on our site.
  • Single Filter
  • If your system calls for dual filters, keep reading below to find exactly which filters you need.
  • Dual Filters

*Be careful! Some Master Spa systems call for one or more single filters, AND dual filters, so make sure you check each filter in your unit to be sure you're getting exactly what you need.

Screw-in vs. Open-Hole Filters

All Master Spa dual-filter systems comprise of a large "O-shaped" filter surrounding a smaller Eco-Pur™ filter (Eco-Pur is explained below).

In all models from 2003 and before, the larger filter is first placed into the tub, and then the inner Eco-Pur™ filter is placed in the middle of the larger filter and screws into the bottom of the tub. There is a lip on the top of the inner filter, which holds the larger filter in place once it has been screwed into the bottom of the tub.

In 2004, Master Spa switched things up a bit and added a black standpipe to their tub, which screws into the bottom of the tub (where the old Eco-Pur™ filter used to screw in). Because the black standpipe now screws into the bottom of the tub, the filter itself can no longer screw into the bottom of the tub. So, these systems are comprised of a small filter that slides over the black tube, the larger "O-shaped" filter that fits around the smaller filter, and a black cap that screws into the top of the black standpipe to hold the filters in place.

All dual filters made before 2003 will screw into the tub, and most filters made in 2004 or later will slide over the black tube, HOWEVER, there are some newer models (the newer Twilight models, for example) that still utilize the old screw-in filters. To make sure you get the right filters, use the system below:

Black Standpipe
  • If your inner filter slides over a black tube, you will need the following filters:

    ⇒ Inner filter: SD-00647 (PMA10-M) - this replaces the Eco-Pur™ filter.

    ⇒ Outer filter: SD-00380 (PMA45-2004-R) - This replaces the outer filter, and includes a raised ledge with the words "THIS SIDE UP" printed on it.
With Adapter
  • If your inner filter does not slide over a black tube, and has an adapter that screws into the bottom of the tub, you will need a one-piece replacement (section below).
Without Adapter
  • If your inner filter does not slide over a black tube, and does not have an adapter that screws into the bottom of the tub, then see our "Special Order Filter" section further below.

One-Piece Replacement

The replacement for the Eco-Pur™ filter that screws into the tub is no longer made, so manufacturers have developed a one-piece replacement to replace both the outer filter, and the inner filter that screws into the hot tub. These will normally be used in models made in 2003 or older, but they are now also used in some newer models as well, such as in the Twilight series.

There are three different versions of this one-piece replacement, so make sure you measure the dimensions of your outer filter to get the correct replacement:

One-Piece Replacement

  *Now for the tricky part - if you have two sets of dual-filter systems, it doesn't necessarily mean that they are the same filter (For example, you might need 1 Standard filter, and 1 Longer/Narrower filter)! Make sure you check all of the filters in your spa.

If you chose to continue to purchase the old-style screw-in Eco-Pur™ filters from Master Spa, you can still get the old-style "O-shaped" filter through us. Again, the dates are relative, so make sure you check the dimensions as well:

Old-style outer filters


The inner filters of the Master Spa dual filter systems (Called Eco-Pur™ filters) have minerals embedded in the filter media. Minerals are said to have special sanitizing abilities, which allows you to greatly reduce the amount of chlorine you need to use in your spa. The Eco-Pur™ replacement does not have minerals embedded in the filter media. Many of our customers use the filter alone as a direct replacement for the Eco-Pur™ filter, as it is much more affordable, and the minerals aren't a necessity. If you prefer the mineral effect, we recommend that you use our filters in conjunction with a SpaRx or a Nature2 mineral cartridge. They last 4-6 months, and are a very cost-effective solution.

Special Order Filters

Our manufacturer, Pleatco, used to make their filters with removable screw-in adapters, and because of that, sometimes the adapter gets stuck to the bottom of the spa when you remove the filters. If you find yourself with a Master Spa filter that neither slides over a black pole, nor seems to have an adapter that screws into the bottom of your tub, then that means that the adapter is just stuck to the bottom of the tub!

Now you have a couple of options - you can either attempt to unscrew the adapter from the bottom of the tub (This may take some force, but shouldn't take Superman strength to unscrew). If you can unscrew it, then all you need to do is find the regular filter with the adapter in our system. Generally with Master Spas, the part number indicates that there is an adapter with an "-F2M"," -F2L", "", or "P4" at the end of the Pleatco filter number. With Adapter
If you either a) can't unscrew the adapter from the bottom of the tub, or b) just don't want to, you can order special versions of these filters without the adapters through us (we're the only ones on the internet with these!). These filters are the Pleatco part number without the additional "-F2M", "-P", etc. at the end of the part number. Because they are special, delivery of these filters can take between 1-2 weeks. Without Adapter

Flat Filters

Some of the Master Spa Legend series (and other series) spas have a flat pre-filter piece that fits inside a shallow filter frame. Here is a link to that filter below: Flat Filter

Filters for Specific Spa Series

There are so many different spa series, spa models, and years of each spa models that it's nearly impossible to have a record of each specific filter that is meant for each specific model, but below we offer some filters that we have found to be commonly used in different series of Master Spa spas:

Master Spa Freedom Series Master Spa Twilight Series Master Spa Legacy Series
You can also search our Master Spa Filter Listing or our Down East Filter Listing, which will take you a complete listing of Master Spas or Down East Spas filters on our site.

© 2005